The facial nerve is sometimes severed during the removal of acoustic neurinomas, either intentionally to ensure complete removal, or unintentionally because of difficulties in identification. In such cases we have, if possible, sutured the nerve stumps microsurgically, either end to end or by use of an intervening nerve graft. We analyzed the outcome of 25 instances of facial nerve suturing in a series of 219 patients operated on for acoustic neurinoma from 1979 to 1987. The first signs of recovery appeared at an average of 12 months, and there was continued improvement for several years. Recovery was graded from 1 to 6. The anastomosis was successful in 24 of the 25 sutured nerves, in that at least some facial movement and tone were restored (Grade 5 or higher). In 11 of the 25 cases, facial appearance at rest and with movement was moderately good (Grade 2 or 3). A Grade 1 result, with no perceivable facial dysfunction, was never achieved. Typically, oral muscles showed the most improvement and frontal muscles the least. Facial appearance was better at rest than with movement, which was always complicated by some degree of synkinesis. Closure of the eye was so good in 13 of the 25 cases that neither tarsorrhaphy nor an eyelid spring was necessary. When the facial nerve is severed, intraoperative suture is recommended, because it provides a chance for moderately good restoration of facial appearance.