Monoclonal Antibodies to Pneumocystis carinii: Identification of Specific Antigens and Characterization of Antigenic Differences Between Rat and Human Isolates

To increase understanding of the antigenic structure of Pneumocystis carinii, we developed monoclonal antibodies to rat and human P. carinii. The specificity of the antibodies was demonstrated by immunofluorescence and immunoblot studies. Only one of five monoclonal antibodies to rat P. carinii reacted with human P. carinii, and none of four monoclonal antibodies to human P. carinii reacted with rat P. carinii. Two antibodies to human P. carinii reacted by immunofluorescence with only one human P. carinii isolate. Immunoblot studies identified major antigens of rat P. carinii with molecular masses of 40 000–100 000 daltons and of human P. carinii with molecular masses of 22 000–95 000 daltons. These studies document the existence of antigenic differences between rat and human P. carinii and are consistent with the suggestion that individual isolates of human P. carinii are also antigenic ally different. Further studies with these antibodies should increase understanding of the antigenic nature of P. carinii and of the interaction of P. carinii with its host.