Lower Alveolar Carcinoma: Segmental v Marginal Resection

• Fifty-three patients were treated for squamous cell carcinoma of the lower alveolar ridge during a 24-year period. Comparison two-year survival rates and no evidence of disease (NED) figures were obtained for segmental and marginal resection of the mandible in these patients for each stage of the disease. Analysis of these two treatment modalities disclosed that marginal resection, especially when combined with radiation, is as effective in controlling disease in stages I and II and, possibly, in stage III. Stage IV carcinomas should be treated by combined segmental therapy. The comparatively high two-year NED rate for marginal resection found in this series suggests that this therapy should be considered as the initial form of therapy in selected patients with stage I and II disease. (Arch Otolaryngol 1983;109:578-582)