Modulation of Nitrosative Stress byS-Nitrosoglutathione Reductase Is Critical for Thermotolerance and Plant Growth inArabidopsis

Nitric oxide (NO) is a key signaling molecule in plants. This analysis of Arabidopsis thaliana HOT5 (sensitive to hot temperatures), which is required for thermotolerance, uncovers a role of NO in thermotolerance and plant development. HOT5 encodes S-nitrosoglutathione reductase (GSNOR), which metabolizes the NO adduct S-nitrosoglutathione. Two hot5 missense alleles and two T-DNA insertion, protein null alleles were characterized. The missense alleles cannot acclimate to heat as dark-grown seedlings but grow normally and can heat-acclimate in the light. The null alleles cannot heat-acclimate as light-grown plants and have other phenotypes, including failure to grow on nutrient plates, increased reproductive shoots, and reduced fertility. The fertility defect of hot5 is due to both reduced stamen elongation and male and female fertilization defects. The hot5 null alleles show increased nitrate and nitroso species levels, and the heat sensitivity of both missense and null alleles is associated with increased NO species. Heat sensitivity is enhanced in wild-type and mutant plants by NO donors, and the heat sensitivity of hot5 mutants can be rescued by an NO scavenger. An NO-overproducing mutant is also defective in thermotolerance. Together, our results expand the importance of GSNOR-regulated NO homeostasis to abiotic stress and plant development.