Pseudoangioma of the Iris—Its Association With Melanoma

THE tendency for malignant melanomas of the iris to be quite vascular is well documented,1-4but the fact that the angiomatous component may overshadow the melanomatous component has not been adequately stressed in the literature. This may be so marked that the melanoma may be overlooked on both clinical and histological examination. Trujillo,5in 1952, described a case of hemangioma of the iris which may possibly have been a missed melanoma, since he states in the histologic examination that a band of pigmented cells was observed at the base of the angiomatous tumor. In 1963, one of us (W.H.S.)6submitted a report to this journal of an iris hemangioma, which was subsequently reviewed by Andrew P. Ferry, MD, who observed the presence of spindle-shaped melanoma cells at the base of the lesion at one end of the tissue (oral communication, 1964). A subsequent reexamination, by Dr. Ferry,

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