Breit has derived formulae giving the polarization P(H) and the angle of maximum polarization θ of a resonance line showing hyperfine structure, as a function of a weak magnetic field applied in the direction of observation of the resonance radiation. The formulae give a means of estimating the effect of hyperfine structure on the calculation of the mean life τ of an excited atom from experiments on the magnetic depolarization and rotation of the plane of polarization of resonance radiation. The calculation has been carried through for the case of the resonance line of Cd(λ3261) and that of Hg(λ2537), and it is found that the differences between the value of τ calculated from hyperfine structure data and that calculated from tan2θ by the usual non-hyperfine structure method lie well within the experimental error. P(H)P0 is found to be practically the same whether hyperfine structure is taken into account or neglected. This is due to the fact that the greatest contribution of the polarization in these cases comes from the isotopes having no nuclear spin and the g-value for the upper state of these isotopes is larger than any other upper hyperfine structure state involved. The mean lives of the 7S13 state of mercury have been recalculated from Richter's data on the polarization of stepwise radiation. The values of τ obtained by this method of calculation are 7.2×109 for λ4047, 1.69×108 for λ4358 and 1.53×108 for λ5461. A discussion of Richter's results is given.