Multidimensional Radiation/Hydrodynamic Simulations of Proto–Neutron Star Convection

Based on multi-dimensional, multi-group, flux-limited-diffusion hydrodynamic simulations of core-collapse supernovae with the VULCAN/2D code, we study the physical conditions within and in the vicinity of the nascent protoneutron star (PNS). Our numerical study follows the evolution of the collapsing envelope of the 11-Msun model of Woosley & Weaver, from ~200 ms before bounce to ~300ms after bounce, on a spatial grid that switches from Cartesian at the PNS center to spherical above a 10km radius. As has been shown previously, we do not see any large-scale overturn of the inner PNS material. Convection, directly connected to the PNS, is found to occur in two distinct regions: between 10 and 20km, coincident with the region of negative lepton gradient, and exterior to the PNS above 50km. Separating these two regions, an interface, with no sizable outward or inward motion, is the site of gravity waves, emerging at ~200-300ms after core bounce, excited by the convection in the outer convective zone. In the PNS, convection is always confined within the neutrinospheric radii for all neutrino energies above just a few MeV. We find that such convective motions do not appreciably enhance the nu_e neutrino luminosity, and that they enhance the anti-nu_e and "nu_mu" luminosities modestly, by ~15% and ~30%, respectively, during the first post-bounce 100--200ms. Moreover, we see no evidence of doubly-diffusive instabilities in the PNS, expected to operate on diffusion timescales of at least a second, much longer than the millisecond timescale associated with PNS convection. PNS convection is thus found to be a secondary feature of the core-collapse phenomenon, rather than a decisive ingredient for a successful explosion.Comment: 19 pages, 18 figures, in emulateapj format, revised version including referee's comments and a new high-resolution simulation, accepted to ApJ; Paper with high-resolution images and movies available at