Nonpalpable breast tumors: diagnosis with stereotaxic localization and fine-needle aspiration.

Modern mammography is the most effective means of detecting nonpalpable breat cancers, but correct diagnosis for maligancy is made in only 20-30% of the cases. The conventional method of lesion localization usually results in approximate placement of the hookwire in the breast. The authors report the results of stereotaxic localization, combined with fine-needle aspiration and cytologic study, performed in 528 cases. Clinically occult breast lesions were localized precisely (within 2 mm 96% of the time), sampled by means of a 23-gauge needle, and marked with either methylene blue or a hookwire for subsequent open excisional biopsy. the results indicate a sensitivity of 95%, specificity of 91%, and accuracy of 92% for the fine-needle aspiration procedure. This technique offers a significantly improve preoperative method of diagnosing small breast lesions with minimal pain, no complications, reduced cost, and no disfigurement or scar interfering with subsequent mammographic follow-up.