Ultrasonic examination of the wall of the fluid‐filled stomach

The ultrasonographic examination of the fluid-filled stomach in five standardized positions permits the transabdominal visualization of the gastric wall in all sections of the organ. In a prospective study, 107 patients were examined—68 with a pathological change in the wall of the stomach and 39 with no gastric disease. In 56 patients (82.4%) the lesion was correctly identified. In addition to wall-infiltrating processes and stenoses, circumscribed space-occupying lesions were also detected; for example, localized carcinomas, leiomyosarcomas, lymphomas, leiomyomas, polyps, giant folds, and impressions of the gastric wall. Thirty-seven patients (94.9%) with no gastric disease were considered normal at the ultrasonographic examination. The procedure suggests itself not only as a supplement to endoscopy and diagnostic X-rays, but also as a diagnostic alternative in selected patients who cannot be stressed by these methods. The exclusion of gastric disease by this technique is not possible.