Endogenous Short Period Rhythms in the Movements of Unifoliate Leaves of Phaseolus angularis Wight

Rhythmic rotational movements with the midvein as the axis have been observed in the unifoliate leaves of Phaseolus angularis Wight grown under controlled environmental conditions with continuous light. The mean period of this movement for all leaves was 53.2 ± 4.3 minutes and remained constant as the leaf matured, except after removal of the apical meristem and emerging trifoliate leaf when the period increased by about 5 minutes. The amplitude of the movement also remained constant as the leaf matured. These rotational movements were pronounced when the leaf blade was in a horizontal position and were not evident during the downward or “sleep” movements of the leaf. This movement began 3 days after leaf unfolding and continued for at least 6 days. It was most pronounced at the time of inflection of the leaf length growth curve after the logarithmic phase of growth.