X-Ray Diffraction Measurement of the Effect of Layer Thickness on the Ferroelectric Transition in EpitaxialKTaO3/KNbO3Multilayers

KTaO3/KNbO3 strained-layer superlattices of variable periodicity were grown by pulsed laser deposition on KTaO3 substrates. The KNbO3 layers were found to be strained in plane to match the substrate lattice parameter. Therefore, the applied strain is independent of the layer thickness. High-temperature x-ray diffraction was used to measure the ferroelectric-paraelectric phase transition temperature Tc. For superlattice periodicity Λ5.1nm, Tc=475K, independent of Λ. For Λ>5.1nm, Tc increases to 825 K at Λ=33.8nm.