Linear Heisenberg Model of Ferro- and Antiferromagnetism

The partition function of the one-dimensional Heisenberg model is considered. Hamiltonian of the system H=−12 ∑ [J⊥(σlxσl+1x+σlyσl+1y)+J∥σlzσl+1z]−mH ∑ σlzis expressed in terms of Fermi operators. The term which contains J∥, the quartic term and a part of quadratic term in Fermi operators, have been regarded as perturbation, keeping the symmetry with respect to the magnetic field. Linked-cluster expansion in an appropriate form for this case has been developed and the partition function has been obtained up to the third order in J∥. Numerical values of energy, specific heat, and susceptibility up to second order in J∥ are shown. The ground-state energy is EN|J⊥|=−2π−2π2(J∥|J⊥|)−16π3(16−π2144)(J∥J⊥)2+O[(J∥J⊥)3].E/N|J∥| for the antiferromagnetic case J∥ = −|J∥| = J is −0.8899. Agreement with the exact value, −0.8863, is quite satisfactory.