Physical chemistry of lipoids

Purified kephalin from human brains was studied as to its reactions with HCl and NaOH. Measurements of the conductivity and of the cH show that kephalin combines with HC1. In the presence of an excess of HC1 1 gm. kephalin neutralises 8.6-8.8.10-3 ml N HC1. Further increase of HCl precipitates a compound of kephalin and HC1. The viscosity of kephalin is decreased by additions of HC1 and begins only to rise again at a stage preceding flocculation. At this stage only can kephalin be precipitated by centrifuging. Kephalin neutralises NaOH, the binding capacity increasing with the concentration of alkali. In fresh mixtures of kephalin and NaOH of increasing concentrations the viscosity passes through a maximum. After 24 hrs., the samples show only a steady decline in viscosity with increasing NaOH concentrations. Some biological aspects of these findings are discussed.