Identification of excited states in theTz=+12nucleus75Rb:The quest for experimental signatures of collective neutron-proton correlations

Excited states in the Tz=12 nucleus 75Rb were observed for the first time using the 40Ca(40Ca,αp) reaction at 128 MeV. Identification was achieved using events detected by the Daresbury recoil separator in coincidence with γ rays detected in the 45 element EUROGAM I Ge-detector array. Threefold events were used to build a decay scheme which consists of two rotational bands observed to Iπ=(452+) and Iπ=(332). The positive parity band in 75Rb behaves similarly to a negative-parity band in 74Kr and contains a region of alignment at ħω0.75 MeV. These data, and those of 77Sr, can be interpreted by treating protons and neutrons separately in a cranked shell model approach despite a recent suggestion for the presence of T=1 neutron-proton pairing correlations in the neighboring self-conjugate, odd-odd 74Rb ground state band. Our study suggests that some experimental observables such as the energy levels and moments of inertia, may not be able to differentiate between different T=1 pairing phases in these Tz=12 nuclei.

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