An Integrated View of Gene Expression and Solute Profiles ofArabidopsisTumors: A Genome-Wide Approach

Transformation of plant cells with T-DNA of virulent agrobacteria is one of the most extreme triggers of developmental changes in higher plants. For rapid growth and development of resulting tumors, specific changes in the gene expression profile and metabolic adaptations are required. Increased transport and metabolic fluxes are critical preconditions for growth and tumor development. A functional genomics approach, using the Affymetrix whole genome microarray (∼22,800 genes), was applied to measure changes in gene expression. The solute pattern of Arabidopsis thaliana tumors and uninfected plant tissues was compared with the respective gene expression profile. Increased levels of anions, sugars, and amino acids were correlated with changes in the gene expression of specific enzymes and solute transporters. The expression profile of genes pivotal for energy metabolism, such as those involved in photosynthesis, mitochondrial electron transport, and fermentation, suggested that tumors produce C and N compounds heterotrophically and gain energy mainly anaerobically. Thus, understanding of gene-to-metabolite networks in plant tumors promotes the identification of mechanisms that control tumor development.