Experimental study of the development of the truncus arteriosus of the chick embryo heart. I. Time of appearance

The time of appearance of the truncus arteriosus was studied in the chick embryo using an in ovo labeling technique. Three hundred embryos at stages 13–18 of Hamburger and Hamilton were selectively labeled at the distal end of the heart tube, using gelatine‐india ink label; 122 of these embryos were reincubated and 111 of them reached stages 25–28. In these stages the final location of the label was determined. Only 95 of these embryos showed both a normal heart and a label located in it. The remaining embryos were discarded due to abnormal cardiac morphology or because the label was not found. Embryos labeled at stages 13–14 had label in the conus in 42.8% of the cases and in the boundary between the conus and the truncus arteriosus in 57.1% of the cases. Label placed at stages 15–16 was located in the conus in 6.1% of the cases, in the boundary between the conus and the truncus arteriosus in 44.8% of the cases, and in the truncus arteriosus in 48.9% of the cases. Finally, label placed at stages 17–18 was located in the boundary between the conus and the truncus arteriosus in 18.7% of the cases and in the truncus arteriosus in 81.2% of the cases. Our results permit us to conclude that the truncus arteriosus appears in the chick embryo as early as stages 15–16 of Hamburger and Hamilton (50–56 hours of incubation).