Molecular characterization of two mutations in platelet glycoprotein (GP) Ibα in two Finnish Bernard–Soulier syndrome families

Bernard-Soulier syndrome (BSS) is a rare hereditary bleeding disorder and macrothrombocytopenia which is caused by a defect in the platelet glycoprotein Ib/IX/V (GP Ib/IX/V) complex, the receptor for von Willebrand factor and thrombin. Here we report the molecular basis of the classical form of BSS in two unrelated Finnish patients, both with a life-long history of severe bleeding. Flow cytometry and immunoblotting showed no expression of GP Ib/IX, GP Ib alpha, GP Ib beta or GP IX (less than 10%) in the patients' platelets. No expression of GP V (< 10%) was observed in propositus 1, but a residual amount was found in propositus 2 (24%). DNA sequencing analysis revealed that propositus 1 was compound heterozygous for a two-base-pair deletion at Tyr505(TAT) and a point mutation Leu129(CTC)Pro(CCC) in the GP Ib alpha gene. Propositus 2 was homozygous for the Tyr505(TAT) deletion. The nine relatives who were heterozygous for either of the mutations also had low levels of GP Ib alpha (74-90%). Hence, Bernard-Soulier patients homozygous or compound heterozygous for Tyr505(TAT) are severely affected. Interestingly, both mutations have independently been found in three other families in previous reports, suggesting their ancient age or mutational 'hot spot'.

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