Interactions Between Leptin and the Human Sympathetic Nervous System

Results from animal experimentation suggest a 2-way interaction between leptin and the sympathetic nervous system, with leptin causing sympathetic activation and conversely, with the sympathetic system exercising regulatory feedback inhibition over leptin release. We have now tested this hypothesis in humans. In the absence of results from leptin infusions, to test for sympathetic stimulation of leptin release, we sought a quantitative naturalistic linkage of sympathetic activity with leptin plasma concentration across a broad range of leptin values in men of widely differing adiposity. Renal norepinephrine spillover was correlated with plasma leptin ( r =0.628, P 60 years and P <0.05). These results provide some support for the view that leptin stimulates the sympathetic nervous system, at least for renal sympathetic outflow, but do not confirm the concept of regulatory feedback inhibition of leptin release by the sympathetic nervous system.