Electronic structure and scattering inPdBxfrom de Haas–van Alphen measurements

The relaxation times for electron scattering (Dingle temperatures) and the concentration dependence of extremal cross-sectional areas A of the Fermi surface of dilute palladium-boron alloys (PdBx with 0≤x<0.002) have been determined from de Haasvan Alphen measurements in fields up to 15 T and temperatures down to 0.4 K. The Fermi surface change d lnA/dx induced by boron in Pd is 1.3 for the [001] extremal cross-sectional area of the Γ-centered electron sheet and -16.5 and -14.6 for the smallest and largest cross-sectional area of the X-centered hole pocket. For the Γ-centered electron sheet d lnA/dx is approximately five times larger than in PdHx and PdDx, and for the X pocket eight or four times larger than in PdHx and PdDx, respectively. These experimental results are discussed in terms of a Thomas-Fermitype potential and compared to band-structure calculations of Pd, PdH, and PdB and to average–t-matrix calculations for substoichiometric alloys. The Dingle temperatures are compared to electrical resistivity data and analyzed in terms of the Gupta-Benedek formula.