Significance of the cell cycle in commitment of murine erythroleukemia cells to erythroid differentiation

The relationship between differentiation of murine erythroleukemia cells (MEL) induced by DMSO and the cell division cycle has been analyzed. We demonstrate that incubation in the presence of DMSO increases the length of the G1 phase of the cell cycle. A method of synchronization of MEL cells by unit gravity sedimentation has been developed and characterized. Using this method, a series of synchronized cell populations covering the entire cell division cycle can be generated simultaneously. Cells synchronized by this technique were challenged with DMSO and analyzed for kinetics of commitment to the differentiation program. Our results indicate that populations of cells in G1 or G2 at the time of addition of inducer give rise to a greater proportion of committed cells than an unfractionated population, while cells in S phase result in a lower percentage of committed cells than the unfractionated population when cultured in DMSO.