Composition of Epicuticular Wax on Isocoma Leaves

Isocoma coronopifolia and I. drummondii incorporated 14CO2 into epicuticular waxes in which free fatty acids and free fatty alcohols constituted 85%-90% of the total wax. Alkane (< 5%), ester (< 2%), and ketone (< 3%) concentrations were low. Rates of synthesis of the major fractions by I. drummondii were uniform over a 24-h period, while 14CO2 recovery shifted from free fatty acids to alcohols in I. coronopifolia wax. Free fatty acids and free fatty alcohols consisted of short-chain, free fatty acids and alcohols suggests that the epicuticular waxes of these plants are relatively hydrophilic compared with other plants and partially explains the observed loss of epicuticular waxes in rainfall and variation in responses of these weedy shrubs to herbicide sprays.