Sex offenders: Three personality types

Analyzed by a Q-type factor analysis MMPI profiles of 92 sex offenders institutionalized for psychiatric evaluation, which yielded three basic MMPI profile types. Altogether 88 of the 92 Ss could be categorized into one of three types characterized by profile peaks on F,SC; Pd, MA; or D,PD. Analysis of background information, social history items, nature of present crime, primary diagnosis, and ward observations revealed significant differences among the types. Of particular interest was the finding that the primary diagnosis for 85% of the “F,Sc” MMPI type was “no mental disorder” in spite of the fact that this group showed significantly more disturbed behavior on the ward (anxiety, depression, suspicion, and manic excitement) and had uniquely degraded their victims. The fact that two-thirds of these persons who had F scores ≥80 and 50% denied the crime may have inadvertently affected diagnostic decisions.