The amphibolite at Durcha passes from a dark, hornblende-rich rock, through every gradation of delicate striping and banding by quartzo-feldspathic material out into psammitic Moine schist, within a few metres. Irregular cross-cutting bands of quartz and feldspar which seem to “ feed ” the delicate stripes can be seen and there are intergrown mixtures of the dark and light components which recall appinites. Chemical and other evidence suggests that the dark rock is a concordant thpleiitic dolerite sill, whilst the macroscopic and microscopic evidence from the pale bands suggests that they are metasomatic in origin and connected with the widespread permeative alkali-injection of the Moine Schists. They seem to have been introduced into the sill along closely-spaced foliation planes parallel with those in the adjacent sediments and with the original contacts of the sill.

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