Diet and gastric cancer: a case-control study in Fujian Province, China

AIM: To explore the relationship between consumption of fish sauce, other dietary factors, living habits and the risk of gastric cancer. METHODS: From May 1994 to July 1995, a population-based 1:2 case-control study was in Carried out in high-risk areas of gastric cancer, Changle and Fuqing cities, Fujian Province. Totally 272 cases and 544 age, gender-matched controls were included. Risk state analyses were made by ASRS package. RESULTS: Risk state single-factor analysis indicated that gastric cancer risk rose with high intake of fish sauce (OR = 2.57), salted vegetables (OR = 1.41), salted/fried fish and small shrimps (OR = 1.57), low consumption of fresh vegetables (OR = 1.95), fresh citrus fruits (OR = 1.41), other fresh fruits (OR = 1.31), green tea (OR = 1.72), exposure to moldy foods (OR = 2.32), irregular dinners (OR = 5.47) and familial history of malignancy (OR = 3.27). No significant relationship was observed between smoking, drinking, salt intake, use of refrigerator and gastric cancer risk. The results of risk state conditional Logistic regression showed that fish sauce, salted dried fish and small shrimps, irregular dinners, familial history of malignancy were included in the best risk set. The summary ARS for the four factors was 75.49%. CONCLUSION: High intake of fish sauce, salted foods, moldy foods, irregular dinners and familial history of malignancy were possible risk factors for gastric cancer, whereas fresh vegetables and fruits. And green tea might have protective effects for gastric cancer.