Educational demonstration

A year has now passed since the initiation of this section, Computers in educa tion. During this time we have published articles on analog and digital simu lation in undergrad programs, on a prototype hybrid computer for undergrad use, on conducting tank and conducting sheet analogs, and on a student's research project. With the beginning of the second year of CIE, we are inaugurating a sub section of CIE entitled Educational demonstrations and experiments. The object of this section will be to present in detail upper level experiments suitable for in-class demonstrations and in-lab projects. We hope to complement the excel lent job John Evans of ACEUG is doing in publication of the ACEUG applications. A second object of our second year is to solicit and publish material from both graduate and undergraduate students. In this way, we hope to get fresh viewpoints and ideas. To continue the success of CIE, we require the interest and enthusiasm of all those concerned with the educational aspects of computers. I thus ask my colleagues to submit interesting and meaningful experiments and extend the opportunity to students who wish to express their ideas and discuss their work.