Cost and benefit of ant attendance forAphis craccivora(Hemiptera: Aphididae) with reference to aphid colony size

Honeydew utilization by the antLasius nigerL. (Hymenoptera: Formicidae), honeydew excretion cost for the aphidAphis craccivoraKoch, and ant protection service for aphids against the lady beetleCoccinella septempunctataL. (Coleoptera: Coccinellidae) were examined in a laboratory. The duration of honeydew utilization by ants increased with increase in aphid density. The presence of ants shortened the residence time of the lady beetle larva on a plant and reduced the proportion of aphids eaten. At a density of 5 aphids per plant, one aphid with ants excreted honeydew at a frequency two times higher than that of an aphid without ants, but not at a density of 100 aphids per plant. Therefore, a larger aphid colony may increase the benefit and decrease the cost of ant attendance.