Conditions for Reversion of Sclerotial Formation in a Mutant ofSclerotinia libertianaFuckel

A mutant of Sclerotinia libertiana Fuckel sometimes though seldom, restored the ability to form sclerotia when grown at a low temperature, 15~20°C, on potato medium. There appeared to be a correlation between the regulation of vegetative growth and accumulation of precursors of melanine pigments. The effects of various factors on the morphogenesis were investigated using Czapek-Dox medium with or without addition of amino acids. A combination of Sclerin (SCL) and thiol reagents stimulated melanogenesis in the presence of amino acids at a low temperature. While, cyclic adenosine 3′, 5′-monophosphate (cyclic AMP) alone stimulated the melanogenesis without addition of the amino acids. Also, a combination of SCL and cyclic AMP or 3,4-dihydroxyphenylalanine (DOPA) induced the formation of sclerotium-like hyphal aggregates though not normal sclerotia.

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