Planets in Stellar Clusters Extensive Search. I. Discovery of 47 Low-Amplitude Variables in the Metal-rich Cluster NGC 6791 with Millimagnitude Image Subtraction Photometry

We have undertaken a long-term project, Planets in Stellar Clusters Extensive Search (PISCES), to search for transiting planets in open clusters. As our first target we have chosen NGC 6791 -- a very old, populous, metal rich cluster. In this paper we present the results of a test observing run at the FLWO 1.2 m telescope. Our primary goal is to demonstrate the feasibility of obtaining the accuracy required for planetary transit detection using image subtraction photometry on data collected with a 1 m class telescope. We present a catalog of 62 variable stars, 47 of them newly discovered, most with low amplitude variability. Among those there are several BY Dra type variables. We have also observed outbursts in the cataclysmic variables B7 and B8 (Kaluzny et al. 1997).Comment: 15 pages LaTeX, including 8 PostScript figures and 3 tables. More discussion added on the implications for transit detection. Accepted for publication in the Astronomical Journal. Version with full resolution figures available through ftp at

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