Translocation and loss of phosphate along roots of wheat seedlings

Sites of phosphate uptake, translocation and loss along sterile roots of 5-day-old wheat seedlings were obtained using an automatic scanning method. Highest uptake occurred in the apical centimetre of the primary root and in the lateral root zone although appreciable uptake occurred along the whole of the root. 68% of absorbed phosphate was translocated from the apex, 84% from the midroot portion and 87% from the lateral root zone after 24 hr. Profuse production of lateral roots is seen as important in phosphate uptake and translocation. Losses of absorbed phosphate from root to solution were small and the patterns of such losses along the root corresponded with the patterns of uptake by the root. Patterns of net flux of phosphate along the root are likely to be identical with those for influx. Patterns of phosphate loss along the root are in marked contrast to those reported for chloride efflux and loss of organic materials.