Phase contrast observations indicate that most mucins, and the perilacunar capsules of cartilage matrix, are of low refractive index and hence probably of low density. Mast cell granules and cell nuclei are somewhat more dense, but are rather variable. Cytoplasmic chromidial substance, nucleoli and the interstitial matrix of cartilage are of high density. The selectivity of alcian blue, dialysed iron, mucicarmine, mucihaematein and aldehyde fuchsin depends partly on these dyes being of large particle size (as shown by dialysis experiments); they are able to penetrate into and stain basophilic structures of low density (high “permeability” or “porosity”) but not into denser structures. Best's carmine also consists of large particles, and probably stains only those mucins which are of low density and which contain some strongly basic (acidophilic) groups.