Competitive ability of maize pollen. Intergametophytic effects

Intergametophytic influences on pollen competitive ability were studied by means of the pollen mixture technique: mixtures of pollen from different genetic sources, marked for the presence of the normal or the mutant allele of the opaque-2 gene, were used to pollinate o2o2 female plants. The variation of relative frequency of one of the two kernel types from apex to base of the resulting ear, made it possible to measure the competitive ability by regression coefficients. The effect of the pollen marker on the character was estimated by analyzing the progeny of heterozygous o2/+ plants self-pollinated through four generations. The o2 allele-bearing pollen revealed a slower germination rate than the dominant counterpart; no differences between the two pollen types were observed with regard to tube growth rate. The occurrence of intergametophytic interactions was confirmed: the competitive ability of a line varied according to the genotype of the competing pollen. Thus, this component has to be taken into account in considering male gametophyte fertilization ability.