Quality of Life in Survivors of Childhood Cancer After Mecatherapy with Autologous Bone Marrow Rescue

A questionnaire study was carried out in a group of survivors of childhood cancer to assess their quality of life. The questionnaire was sent to 30 survivors who had completed treatment with megatherapy followed by autologous bone marrow rescue at St Bartholomew's Hospital, London. Of the 28 respondents (93%), in 27 (96%) the quality of life was judged to be good, with 11 of these 27 (40%) having no disability whatsoever and a further 9 (33%) reporting only minimal disability. The other 7 patients had moderate to severe disabilities, with pain and depression remaining ongoing problems, and some adolescents felt that they were unable to cope with everyday life alongside their peers. Nine parents and 14 of the children themselves expressed anxiety about the previous illness. The study shows that, by using a postal method, a satisfactory assessment of quality of life in survivors of childhood cancer can be made.