High-resolution measurements of spatial and temporal variations in surface velocities of Unteraargletscher, Bernese Alps, Switzerland

Data from automated in situ measurements of surface displacements on Unteraargletscher, Bernese Alps, Switzerland, made a few times a day from late June until late October 1998 are presented. Two short-term speed-up events were observed, and partial evidence for a third motion event was seen. Short-term motion events are thus not limited to the start of the melting season. Strong correlation between the timing of the motion events and periods of heavy rainfall, in conjunction with the large size of the area of the glacier which becomes activated during the events, both point towards an external triggering mechanism. In the time periods between two motion events, surface velocities do not vary significantly with time. After a motion event, surface velocities do not return to previous values, suggesting that the events have a lasting effect on the structure of the subglacial drainage system.