Oral volitional movements in children with language impairments

Isolated oral movements (Isol-VOM), repeated oral movements (Rept-VOM), and series of different movements (Seq-VOM) were compared in children with normal language (LN), children with both language and speech impairment (LI-A), and children with language impairment only (LI-0). Accuracy / coordination of movement was correlated with scores on nonword repetition and phoneme identification. The children with LI-A had greater difficulty with Isol-VOM and Rept-VOM than did the children with LN. The children with LI-0 had greater difficulty with Seq-VOM than did the children with LN. Performance on Isol-VOM was significantly correlated with nonword repetition in both LI groups; performance on Seq-VOM was significantly correlated with phoneme identification in the LI-0 group only.