Microappendages on the ventral surface of the primitive streak chick embryo

Fresh pullet eggs (White Leghorn Strain) were incubated to obtain the primitive streak stage of development. Blastoderms were fixed in situ with isotonic aldehyde fixatives and prepared for scanning electron microscopy by means of postosmication, critical point drying and gold‐palladium coating.The ventral surface of the chick blastoderm exhibits extreme pleomorphism. There is variation among microappendages (microvilli, blebs, ruffles) which tend to define cellular outlines. In recessed areas adjacent to the ventrolateral aspect of the primitive streak microappendages are present in great profusion. Here clusters of them possess intricate physical relationships. Microvilli may arise from either blebs or ruffles. Other microvilli may terminate in blebs. Extensive connecting structures are present. The primitive streak chick embryo is discussed as a model for the study of microappendages of the plasmalemma.