Isolation of a sexual sporulation hormone from Aspergillus nidulans

Psi factor is a substance produced by Aspergillus nidulans that induces premature sexual sporulation. Chromatographic analysis of psi-active extracts showed that psi activity resides in several different forms. Two of the forms, psiA1 and psiB1, have been isolated and have been shown to have closely similar compositions. The most abundant form, psiA1, reacts with alcohols in acidic solution by the addition of one entire molecule of the alcohol. This reaction, which is reversible, suggests that psiA1 may be a lactone whose ring is opened by alcohol addition. At high concentration, psiA1 is antagonistic to the response exhibited by the other forms of psi, but this antagonism is lost by the alcoholic derivatives. At least one unpurified psi species can be converted to psiA1 by acid catalysis. We suggest that psiA1 may be the metabolic precursor of at least some of the other more active psi components and that this conversion during Aspergillus development may be part of the process that triggers sexual sporulation.