Trinucleon asymptotic normalization constants: Comparison ofHe3andH3

Calculations of the trinucleon S- and D-wave asymptotic normalization constants, with and without Coulomb effects, are extended to include all two-body partial waves up to j≤4 (34 three-body channels). Wave functions were generated with configuration-space, Faddeev-type equations for Hamiltonians based upon the two-body forces of Reid and the Argonne group, plus the Tucson-Melbourne and Brazilian model three-body forces. Comparison with previously published results is made. Results for CS, CD, η, and D2 are interpolated as a function of binding to extract best estimates for H3 and He3. In agreement with our earlier (j<=1) calculations, we find that Coulomb effects increase the S-wave asymptotic normalization of He3 by less than 1% over that of H3 and that Coulomb effects decrease the D-wave asymptotic normalization of He3 relative to that of H3 by about 6%. The distorted-wave Born approximation D-wave parameter D2C for He3 is almost identical to D2 for H3. Finally, we predict the ratio of the the D-wave to S-wave asymptotic normalization constants to be η(3H)≃0.046 and ηC (3He)≃0.043. .AE