We propose an extended jellium model which includes the most important features of the noble metals. The density of states is modeled by the superposition of a d band and an s-like conduction band. The redistribution of some of the d electrons into the conduction band as an effect of the s-d hybridization is taken into account, and the conduction band includes 1.5 electrons per atom. We show that the occupation number Zd of the d band is mainly determined by the ratio Wd/(ɛF-ɛd), where Wd, ɛd, and ɛF are, respectively, the width and the center of the d band and the energy of the Fermi level. The shift of the d-band center between the bulk metal and the surface plane is related to the narrowing of the d band of the surface plane, and we deduce an estimate of the d-band contribution to the work function. In the present model the position of the Fermi level and of the d-band center are reproduced, and the result for the work function of Cu and Ag is satisfactory.