Egg shell thickness, egg volume, clutch size and hatching success of Parus major and Ficedula hypoleuca were studied at 14 study sites around a copper smelter complex in Harjavalta, south-west Finland, in 1991–1993. In 1991–1992 unhatched eggs were collected to measure shell quality. F. hypoleuca was more susceptible to pollutants than P. major, the response of which was weaker in all aspects studied. Egg shells of F. hypoleuca were about 17% thinner and eggs were about 8% smaller in volume near the factory than at a distance of 10 km. The clutch size of F. hypoleuca was significantly smaller and hatching success markedly lower at a study site next to the factory complex than at all other sites. In P. major, variation in shell thickness and egg volume was not significantly related to the distance from the pollution source. Clutch size and hatching success of P. major did not significantly differ among study sites, although the trend in hatching success was in the same direction as in F. hypoleuca. Clutches of both species contained less shell material and both species had more nests without eggs near the factory than further away. The surface structure of the eggshells was studied by scanning electron microscope. Especially in F. hypoleuca, the egg shell surface was more rough and porous near the factory. The roles of Ca and heavy metals in shell thinning are discussed.