Consequences of Supergravity with Gauged $\rm U(1)_R$ Symmetry

The structure of gauged R supergravity Lagrangians is reviewed, and we consider models with a hidden sector plus light fields of the MSSM. A simple potential for the hidden sector is presented which has a global minimum with zero cosmological constant and spontaneously broken SUSY and R-symmetry. The $\rm U(1)_R$ vector multiplet acquires a Planck scale mass through the Higgs mechanism, and it decouples at low energy. Due to very interesting cancellations, the $\rm U(1)_R$ D-terms also drop out at low energy. Thus no direct effects of the gauging of R-symmetry remain in the low energy effective Lagrangian, and this result is model independent, requiring only that R-symmetry be broken at the Planck scale and $ = 0$, where $D$ is the auxiliary field of the $\rm U(1)_R$ vector multiplet. The low energy theory is fairly conventional with soft SUSY breaking terms for the MSSM fields. As a remnant of the gauging of R-symmetry, it also contains light fields, some required to cancel R-anomalies and others from the hidden sector.

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