Oklahoma premorbid intelligence estimation (opie): Utilization in clinical samples

The present research is an effort to evaluate a new method of estimating premorbid IQ in which both demographic and current performance methods are utilized in a regression algorithm. Two hundred and twenty-seven patient files from the archives of the University of Oklahoma Health Sciences Center were used to evaluate the Oklahoma Premorbid Intelligence Estimation (OPIE) procedure. This procedure combines both premorbid demographic variables of age, education, occupation, and race with current performance on the WAIS-R Vocabulary and Picture Completion subtests in estimating premorbid IQ. The results are presented for clinical populations including those with dementia, traumatic brain injury, cerebral vascular accident, neoplasm, epilepsy, and a medical control chronic pain group. Results indicate that the OPIE produces a less restricted range of scores than other currently available methods of estimating premorbid IQ without systematic under or over-estimation of IQ. Considerations for the use of this method with diffuse and cerebrally lateralized populations are discussed.