A new sustained release form of amitriptyline 50 mg. (Lentizol) was compared in a double blind cross-over trial against ordinary amitriptyline given three times daily in 40 consecutive patients with depressive illness in hospital practice for whom tricyclic antidepressants were indicated. Consequently there were included some patients whose illness was very severe, and two patients had to be withdrawn for alternative treatment. Dosages given were either 25 mg. or 2 x 25 mg. ordinary amitriptyline thrice daily or 50 mg. or 2 x 50 mg. sustained release amitriptyline given at night in capsule form. Both forms of treatment resulted in a highly significant improvement at three weeks when measured on the Hamilton Rating Scale. This rating scale gives a useful indication of the efficacy of treatment, but further evaluation is needed before drawing firm conclusions. This improvement was maintained after cross-over to an alternative form of amitriptyline therapy when assessments were made again at six weeks. Side effects were similar on the two forms of the drug and resulted in only three patients withdrawing from the trial because of dry mouth; two of these occurred on ordinary amitriptyline and one on the sustained release form.

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