Thickness of the Lateral Surface of the Temporal Bone in Children

The placement of implantable auditory prostheses in children has raised questions concerning the thickness of the temporal bone in the region of implantation. The purpose of this study is to describe the thickness at specific sites of the lateral surface of the temporal bone in children of different ages. One hundred twenty-five intact temporal bones from 83 children of known sex, race, and age between birth and 20 years were measured. Thickness was measured with a specially designed micrometer at specific locations from a fixed reference point by use of a surface projected grid for site identification. Thickness was plotted against age on scattergraphs for each site, and regression analysis revealed a bimodal linear relationship. Sites medial to the temporalis muscle were the thinnest; sites associated with the posteroinferior insertion of the temporalis muscle, along the supramastoid crest, were the thickest. However, wide interindividual variability was the rule.