The question of bilateral asymmetry of the human body has been the subject of numerous investigations and researches on the part of anatomists, anthropologists and archeologists of the past century. As a result of exact measurements taken from a great number of cadavers and living subjects, it has been established that the two halves of the body in the human species, as well as in the higher vertebrates, are in reality never symmetrical. This fact being established, a more detailed study of various asymmetries followed. Meckel1 was the first anatomist to treat the subject in a scientific manner. Various asymmetries and their physiologic significance were exhaustively treated by von Bardeleben2 in a paper presented by him before the Anatomische Gesellschaft in 1909. A French investigator, Richard Liebreich,3 made a most painstaking study of skulls and faces of various races and various periods. In contradistinction to the well-known