Directional dependence of radiation fluence from 192Ir and 198Au sources.

Radiation fluence distribution around 192Ir and 198Au seeds of the type used for brachytherapy application was measured using a NaI crystal connected to a multichannel analyzer. The radiation fluence, determined as a function of the angle between the seed axis and the direction of detection, is anisotropic with the fluence along the seed axis amounting to 78% of that perpendicular to the seed axis for seeds of both isotopes. The region of fluence reduction is broader for 198Au seeds, extending from; for 192Ir the decrease in fluence is evident for angles of Integration of the angular distribution over 4.pi. geometry indicated the effective activity of the implants to be 4% and 1% less than the nominal activity for the 198Au and 192Ir seeds, respectively, based on calibration measurements perpendicular to the seed axis.

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