Low-level periodic pulsed energy measurements with an electrically calibrated pyroelectric detector

The use of an electrically calibrated pyroelectric detector for accurately measuring periodically pulsed (∼3-ns duration) energy with an average power level in the microwatt to milliwatt range was investigated. Sources of error especially important in this application were the pyroelectric’s acoustic response, its linearity, and possible deterioration of its gold black coating. The detector had a thin polymer film that isolated the radiation receiver from the pyroelectric material. This film temporally resolved the pyroelectric response from the piezoelectric response to the acoustic energy that is associated with the absorption of an impulse of energy. Thus it was demonstrated that the acoustic response was not a serious source of error. The film also reduced the requirement of linearity on the on the pyroelectric transducer by about 5 orders of magnitude from the conditions of a bare transducer. It is concluded that periodic pulsed energy measurements with 5% uncertainties are readily achievable with the detector described.