Introduction Pancreatitis may follow severe abdominal trauma or a surgical procedure and often represents a catastrophic complication. Massive fluid extravasation and electrolyte depletion result in hypovolemia with progressive shock which may convert a serious condition into a fatal one. While pancreatitis has been reported to follow a variety of operations, upper abdominal surgery, particularly gastric or biliary operations, are the most common antecedent procedures.4,5 Biliary operations which involve instrumentation of the common duct, dilation of the ampulla, or section of the intrinsic sphincter muscle appear to predispose to this complication. Furthermore, insertion of a long-limbed T tube through the papilla of the bile duct into the duodenum has frequently been implicated in the causation of pancreatitis.7 In such instances, pancreatic duct obstruction would seem to play an important role.8 Direct trauma to the pancreas, resulting from external blunt or penetrating injuries, may cause obstruction or laceration of