Immunohistochemistry of acid phosphatase in the human prostate: Normal and pathologic

Three different antisera against human prostatic acid phosphatase were used for direct and indirect immunohistochemical demonstration of acid phosphatase in paraffin sections of infantile and adult normal, hyperplastic and carcinomatous prostatic tissue. All antisera were prepared in rabbits. Antiserum A was prepared from highly purified acid phosphatase extracted from autopsy specimens. Antiserum B was a concentrate of a commercial antiserum used in radioimmunoassay and was prepared from purified extracts of human seminal fluid. Antiserum C was a peroxidaseconjugated antiserum prepared from purified extracts of human seminal fluid. The specificity of the three antisera was compared using different immunohistochemical methods and tissues. It was comparably high in all three antisera which gave only slightly different staining results in prostatic tissue. The staining results in prostatic carcinoma were only dependent on the titer of the respective antiserum. Carcinomas with a cribriform growth pattern showed variable staining, but always had a positive immunoreaction, provided the titer of the antiserum was sufficiently high. Striking differences were observed in metaplastic, atrophic and hyperplastic prostatic epithelium. The most intense reaction was observed in atrophic glands; it was much less intense in hyperplastic and normal epithelium and negative or slightly positive in metaplastic epithelium.