We performed a bivariate analysis on cholesterol and triglyceride levels on data from the Framingham Heart Study using a new score statistic developed for the detection of potential pleiotropic, or cluster, genes. Univariate score statistics were also computed for each trait. At a significance level 0.001, linkage signals were found at markers GATA48B01 on chromosome 1, GATA21C12 on chromosome 8, and ATA55A11 on chromosome 16 using the bivariate analysis. At the same significance level, linkage signals were found at markers 036yb8 on chromosome 3 and GATA3F02 on chromosome 12 using the univariate analysis. A strong linkage signal was also found at marker GATA112F07 by both the bivariate analysis and the univariate analysis, a marker for which evidence for linkage had been reported previously in a related study.