In addressing its charge from the General Chairperson of this study, Task Force 4 decided to direct special attention to antibiotic use in developing nations because of the critical importance of the disease burden of bacterial infections in these regions of the world. The task force recognized the impact of respiratory and diarrheal diseases on morbidity and mortality among young children in developing nations. Another major concern was the potential for global spread of resistant strains. Emergence and spread of antibioticresistant bacteria is augmented in settings in which treatment may be inadequate because of socioeconomic constraints and where there is crowding and poor sanitation. Much of the information concerning the factors that govern antibiotic use in these countries is anecdotal. No two countries are identical in their use of antimicrobial agents, and patterns of use may differ greatly in regions within the same country. Efforts to improve the usage of antibiotics in developing countries must take into consideration the perception of health and disease of the populations, the availability of antibiotics, and the characteristics of the established systems of medical care.